
The weather today is north of 30° with a humidity of a gazillion, so I thought I would make us some gazpacho of the ingredients from this weekend that were left over.

You can do it in any number of ways, but I gave this one from The Guardian a shot:

I think one of the keys is a good olive oil. We picked a bottle up from Urban Deli while in the capitol, so just get something good.

To really succeed (and to make your life easier), do yourself a favor and roast the tomatoes in the oven before you peel them; slice tomatoes in two, remove the stem piece and place cut-side down on a baking tray and broil them for 12-15 min until they are dark/blackened. Remove the tray from the oven and wait a few minutes. The skins will almost remove themself. Works great with peppers and chili too!